Almazbek Istambaev

Almazbek Istambaev

General Director of the Festival.
General Director of KNATOB named after A.Maldybaev.
Has 3 higher educations:

  1. 1992 – 1997
    Jalal-Abad State University.
    Faculty: Processing of materials on machine tools and automatic lines.
    Profession: Mechanical engineer.
  2. 1998 – 2005
    Kyrgyz National Conservatory named after. K. Moldobasanova
    Faculty: Vocal – choral
    Specialty: Academic singing
  3. 2016 – 2019
    KSU them. I. Arabaeva
    Institute of Economics and Management
  4. Specialty: Financial Management

Since 2000 – soloist of the Kyrgyz National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after A. Maldybaev.
From 2017 to 2020 – Director of the Kyrgyz State Academic Symphony Orchestra. A. Dzhumakhmatova.
Since February 2022 – General Director of the Kyrgyz National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after A. Maldybaev.
Chairman of the Committee on Culture and Art of the all-Russian public organization “Kyrgyz Congress”.

Artistic director of the interstate forum “World of Eurasia – XXI century”.
Project coordinator International charitable project “IT Classic A”.

Head of the Genesis project in Kyrgyzstan since 2021.